Representing financial professionals, financial institutions and investors in investment loss, employment and disclosure matters, and in regulatory investigations nationwide.

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Lewitas Hyman PC claims a copyright to the material on this website. You may use this material only for personal and informational purposes. If you wish to use the material for any other purpose, you must have the expressed consent of Lewitas Hyman PC to do so. All rights reserved.

Disclosures and Disclaimers:

Under Rule 1-400 of the California Rules of Professional Conduct, this website is a “communication” that is made by lawyers at Lewitas Hyman PC who are members of the State Bar of California and addresses the availability of professional employment. In other states, this website may be deemed an advertisement.

In accordance with Rule 2-101(e)(3) of the New York Code of Professional Responsibility, you are advised that prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome.